About us
Colaco & Aranha is a registered partnership firm engaged in personal investment services. The firm has two partners, Gerard Peter Colaco and Reginald R A Aranha. We started operations on 21 October 1985.
Our main business is mutual fund distributorship. We are AMFI-registered mutual fund distributors. Our distributor code is ARN-3089. The present validity of our registration is from 19 March 2022 to 18 March 2028. The original date of AMFI registration was 19 March 2001.
No further details are being given because we do not take new clients. The only exceptions are children of existing clients, the spouses of those children, and the rare charity case, provided they agree with our investment philosophy.
Therefore, the purpose of this website is not to solicit business. It is only to make certain statutory and non-statutory disclosures to our existing clients and thereby comply with various securities laws in force from time to time.
We realise that there may be visitors to this site who are not our clients. If such individuals want some sensible and completely hype-free basic knowledge about personal investment and finance, we are prepared to email it to them free of cost if they ask for it by emailing colaco_aranha@yahoo.com and/or colacoaranha@gmail.com .
We also collaborate with Simplus Learning to disseminate investment knowledge to students, individual investors and anyone who wants to learn effective personal investment. For more details, email aaron@simpluslearning.in .
Over the last few decades, we have nurtured at least twenty-five youngsters who have grown into excellent mutual fund distributors and followed us into this business. If you are looking for a good distributor and do not know one, we will be happy to refer you to one of them, since we do not take new clients.